For me, the warm, soft, chewy, pull apart, slightly salty offering is just wonderful and, 'Yes', Auntie Anne can stand proudly up there with Wetzel in my opinion. If you are native to America, perhaps you take for granted the availability of freshly baked pretzels. The weather and the inconvenience of Christmas and New Year (!) mean that we have been unable to visit a Wetzel's Pretzels outlet so, finding ourselves at the Seattle Premium Outlet in Tualip, I couldn't resist trying what was on offer from Auntie Anne. This trip we are in Washington State, staying with family and therefore likely to return. Always a risk of course, but the reality was it just confirmed my love for Pretzels - not the small, hard, biscuity ones that we are presented with in the UK. When we visited Arizona a couple of years ago, I wanted to relive the experience, the memory still being strong. “My passion for American style Pretzels began nearly 15 years ago, on a trip to California - freshly baked Pretzels bought on our way back to our hotel after a long day at Universal Studios.